The Four Annoying Relatives You’ll Encounter at Christmas Dinner Brought to You by Fiversworld


It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Or is it? Plenty of you may beg to differ. Not only are the credit card bills looming on the horizon, but so are the annoying relatives that we need to put up with come Christmas dinner. We all have them, and I bet you’re already thinking of one right now. Whatever the family, you’re most likely to encounter one of these.

1. The spoiled little kid

Whether it’s your nephew/niece, your younger sibling, or little cousin, they don’t make the spoiled brat like they used to. These days, the most spoiled of your little relatives will still shriek about their presents, but instead of not getting the latest race car or Barbie, they’ll be complaining about not getting the new Xbox Kinect or iPod touch. You can’t help but marvel at how much electronics mean to them already at their age, compelling you to go back to your old room and look ashamedly at your GameBoy Color that you still keep in a special plastic container.

2. The Stuck Up Aunt

For some reason, there’s always that relative that has done much better than your family ever has, and not only do you hate it, but your parents almost can’t stand it. You don’t mind the middle class life that you were raised with, and your parents raised you to never complain. But come Christmas time, as the family gets together, you can actually compare how much more stuck up your Aunt has become since you last seen her. You used to love her gifts – but that was before you had to make conversation with her. These days you can’t help but get frustrated at how she embarrasses your parents while giving you a discount card to some overly expensive department store, along with the assertion that you should be able to afford things from there by now.


3. The Grumpy Grandpa

It seems as if Christmas isn’t complete sometimes with that relative that just won’t be happy. More often than not, it’s the oldest of the bunch. Yep, it’s Grumpy Grandpa, all ready with his cynical remarks and biting insults. “What are you doing with your life? When are you going to stop fooling around? What woman would want a man with that kind of hair?” You’ve heard it all before. He turns your younger sister to tears every year then complains that she’s too soft. You know that walking five miles to school each day in the rain and sleet was hard on him, but sometimes too much is too much. Unfortunately, every time you tell your dad this, he just quietly tells you that Grandpa only has a few more years, and besides, it’s Christmas.

4. The Train Wrecked Cousin

If there are those relatives that have done better than you, there are those that have done worse. You would think these would make you feel better of yourself, but the just end up making you feel sad. Whether he/she’s recovering from one divorce too many by the age of 30, or “getting over” a drinking/gambling problem, it’s always a circus with the train wreck around. Even with the excitement this cousin usually brings, with each Christmas, the scene just keeps getting old as you end up the person they pour out their sorrows (and most likely their stomach contents) as the night comes to a close.

Annoying relatives or not, it’s still the Holidays, and it’s best we enjoy them. Happy Holidays!

Signing Up to Fiversworld with Facebook

If Fiversworld has gotten your attention, then it’s definitely time to get started on this great website that allows you to sell your services and even buy from those who advertise from all over the world. But before anything, you still need to get started.

Fiversworld obviously provides an effective sign up sheet for each newcomer, but sometimes these can be tedious, especially when you can spare no time since your need for the site has to be fulfilled as soon as possible; we all know how long a buyer or a seller may take to come along. It could be weeks! And so, thanks to our friends at Fiversworld and Facebook, there is a much more faster and convenient way to get your very own Fiversworld account, with added benefits to boot.


The process is simple. There are two ways to incorporate your Facebook with Fiversworld. First, you can log in to your Facebook account before going to Feel free to check your notifications or attend to your profile, that won’t make it more difficult; but if you’re pressed for time, it’s suggested that you proceed to as soon as possible. Once you’re at the site, look for the button on the upper right hand corner that says Log in with Facebook; it’s right beside the Sign Up option. Once you click it, since your Facebook is already logged in, you just need to accept and then, voila! You have a Fiversworld account, easy and simple. The other way to do it is to go directly to Fiversworld, click the same button and enter your Facebook log in information.

And there you have it. Don’t worry about any security problems you might have as Fiversworld is absolutely secure. So log in to Fiversworld with your Facebook today and enjoy convenient usage of the buy and sell website.

8 Ways to Get Traffic on Your Website, Absolutely Free!

As the Internet grows bigger and bigger, we see websites multiplying by the millions each day; it’s easy for your particular site to get lost with the multitude of new sites being put up. You may already have a website that you feel is really great; unfortunately, for some reason or another, you’re just not getting the traffic you would like. We often look enviously upon those sites that get hundreds – if not thousands – of hits or visitors in a day. Fret no more, for there are actually eight easy ways to increase the flow of people on your website.


1. Use a Twitter account to grab attention

Twitter is one of the best tools you could have to get people to pay attention to your website. There are many things you can do with Twitter. If you have a Twitter account, you can use a plug-in such as Twitter Tools or an application like to syndicate new posts to you Twitter feed. You could also add the retweet button to your posts by getting a code from Tweetme so that your readers can simply click the link and share it with their personal network.

2. Do some guest posting

Guest posting is a great way to get new readers to your website. All you have to do is find a website that is similar to your own, and see if they allow you to maybe post an article about your on website on theirs. People that read the website might be attracted by yours and head on over to it if it sparks their interest.

3. Update frequently

Search engines will feature your website more if it is updated. The more you update, the more search engines end up indexing your site. Of course, make the content compelling; something that people are looking for, so it is more likely that they will click on the link.

4. Post your website on Facebook or e-mail it to your friends

If you have several friends on Facebook or e-mail contacts, you can actually utilize that to increase traffic on your website. Perhaps you know that many of your friends might benefit from the contents of your website; in that case, don’t hesitate to make a status update or a detailed e-mail and send it out so that almost everyone in your network can have the chance to see what your website has to offer.

5. Upload a video on YouTube

When we think social media, we cannot forget the power of YouTube. Millions of people go on the video uploading site each day looking for something to entertain them or help them. If you think your website may provide something that people are looking for, why not make an interesting video explaining its contents. Make sure to give it a catching title so that it appears in search engines.


6. Optimize search engines

This is probably one of the best ways to get traffic on your website, but definitely not the easiest. You can do this by utilizing articles, blogs, and social media. This takes hard work, though, and it may take time. Google has also just limited the use of links in a single page. However, optimizing search engines is still a great way to get an influx of traffic onto your blog, absolutely free.

7. Join online communities and advertise your site

Don’t think that it takes money to advertise; you could always do it yourself by joining message boards or other online communities and talking about your website there. Be sure to choose those that have something to do with your website, then browse the message boards and post about your site if you feel it would fit in the conversation. Better yet, just join in any conversation and make sure you put your website’s URL in the signature part. Then the more you post, the more your website will be seen.

8. Improve your website

It all starts with the main focus – your website. If your website is smooth and manageable, people will love it. And we all know that people love to talk. If they like your site, they’re sure to tell their friends about it and you’ll be getting more visitors in no time.

Three Ways To Effectively Outsource Social Marketing

As of now, there are over a few million people that have accounts in, or make use of, social media. It is, in a sense, the Internet epitomized. What people do in social media is basically what the internet is for. Here the exchange of information can happen effectively and quickly without any constraints. You can also look for almost anything you need in social media, too. Here you can find not only people but also groups with a common purpose, businesses and others.

In the same way, you can also forward your interests in social media. For example, if you have a business enterprise and want it to succeed, you can promote it with your social media account in more ways than one. For example, in Facebook, you can make a page for your product and invite people to like it. Furthermore, you can share posts from your product’s page and make sure that all your friends and contacts see them. And for events that are related to your enterprise, such as soft and grand openings, you can invite people to events. The number of ways in which to promote your business to social media is staggering; there are more ways not mentioned here that you can find out for yourself.

The trouble about social media marketing is that it can be time-and-effort-consuming. Just imagine having about a thousand Facebook friends and having to send messages, invite to events, and tagging all of them in pictures (yes, that can be necessary sometimes). Too much, isn’t it?  Imagine all the energy you’ll need to click all those profiles, the time it’ll take for your message to reach everyone and asking the same people to spread the word. It’s just too much for one person to handle.

Of course, you don’t have to do all that by yourself. You can outsource, or have someone else do your work for you. There are some businesses that will gladly do that for you, but their services might cost too much for you and your fledgling business. There are other people whom you can outsource your social media promotions with the same quality, but at a much lower cost.

One such place where you can hire people to promote your business through social media is Fiversworld. This is basically the marketplace for anything when it comes to freelancing on the internet, where people can buy and sell outsource services from writing articles, Search Engine Optimization, and of course, social media promotions.

If you want to make it in Fiversworld, there are some guidelines here that you should follow. Of course, you shouldn’t just make an account in the site without a plan.

1. Communication is key.

The first step to a healthy professional relationship is constant communication. This way, you and your seller won’t have any misunderstandings as to the objectives, plans and targets of your social media advertisements.

Communication shouldn’t be too much of a problem on the Internet. Save for people who live in different time zones, you and the person/s you hired can keep in touch by making use of messenger functions such as those in Yahoo!, Facebook, and Skype. Skype is highly recommended since you can video call your employees with this.

If the seller lives locally, you can even share phone numbers and communicate through your mobile phones.

2. Make sure that you and your seller have a mutual understanding of everything that needs to be done.

If you communicate with your employee regularly, then this shouldn’t be a problem. On the onset of the project, you should outline everything there is to know about the enterprise you are trying to promote on social media, your goals and target achievements, and when this all should be achieved. If you do this, your seller will have a clearer idea of what needs to be done and how urgent it is. For example, if you want your enterprise to be targeted towards a specific demographic, you can tell the seller and he or she will gladly comply.

3. Put everything in record.

Of course, you should put all of your operations into writing. This way, if you ever need to check, you can just look at the list of the people and places to which you distributed your information. You will also need to have a record of everything your employee has done in case you miss out on some key parts of the demographic and/or target audience. Also, if you ever need to follow up on some people, you can make a note of their contact details in case you forget.

Promoting business enterprises through social media is no small feat. Take these suggestions outlined in this article and you will outsource your venture’s advertisement without a hitch.

12 Steps To Become a Successful Fiversworld Seller

These days, making a living isn’t what it used to be. When confronted with the word “employed”, people would usually think of sitting in an office cubicle, wiping tables in diners, or standing behind cash registers handing out change to customers. But now it’s different. This is because some people actually don’t have to leave the safety and comfort of their homes to land a job and put food on their tables three times (or more) in a day, and seven days a week. These people only need a computer, a good Internet connection, and most of all, a good work ethic. This is called freelancing.

To be fair, freelancing isn’t exactly like being employed and having a stable job. When it comes to freelancing, you get hired either contractually or on a project basis, which means that your workload and salary may vary at times. Meanwhile, when you have a stable job, you have a workload that doesn’t vary all that much and your wages pretty much stay the same, discounting promotions and the like.

One advantage of freelancing is that you get to work with different people, meaning that you get to deal with different personalities. While you will be interacting over the Internet, your treatment as an employee may still differ from employer to employer, as they have different tastes and goals. Freelancing works for people who are innately creative, artistic, and don’t like routine jobs.

As mentioned above, your employers will vary when you are freelancing. So it should follow that your projects will also vary. If you are an artist, you may work on vectors the first day, then promotional posters the next, and children’s books’ artworks the next week. In the same way, writing jobs may go from research papers to graduation speeches and the like.

It may sound very simple, but freelancing can be a daunting task for some. This is because freelancers usually sell their services to employers, and especially for the newer ones, buyers who give fair paychecks can be hard to come by. The same can be said for those who look for jobs in Fivers World, a site where employers outsource services at a range of $5 to $25.

For those who are facing such problems, here are some tips:

1. We all have to start from somewhere…

Of course, to get to the top, we all have to start at the bottom. Just like anything else in the world, we have to work our way up slowly to make it to the upper echelons of the food chain.

For service selling, buyers will usually gravitate towards workers who have good reviews and ratings from other employers. Since you start without them, you might as well do your best to get a good rating to start with. Take note that your performance will speak loads about your skill and work ethic, so make sure to…

2. Build up a reputation.

And not just any reputation, of course. To be able to attract service buyers, you need to have a great reputation in the Fiversworld community. Again, in order to do so, you have to do your best when you work on your projects. This way, you will get good reviews from your buyers.

3. Don’t afraid to be creative.

Some people might be too afraid to do things the way they want to, since following the employers’ instructions could decide their getting paid or not. However, your professional personality is shaped by the way you go about your work.

Of course, if your ideas and art styles may differ from what your employer asks of you, you’ll most likely have to meet his or her expectations instead of doing it your way. But you can always make suggestions to not only help make your work better but also create a better working relationship.

4. Always be present at the right time.

Make a note of the times of the day where your employer will be online to make sure that you can respond whenever he or she checks up on your work. Again, this will foster a good working relationship.

5. Do your jobs slowly but surely.

Take your time as you go about your projects but don’t dawdle when you’re working. If you’re new to Fiversworld, it might take you a little longer to finish your jobs. Of course, speed is not testament to your skill—but of course, this is not to say that you should leave your job unfinished past your deadline.

Don’t be afraid to take your time when you’re working, but only if you’ve started on it ahead of time.

6. Be organized!

For those who have multiple micro jobs, it may get pretty difficult and messy to try and do all of them at once. Of course, if you’re new to this, it’s understandable. And while it may be easier for you to handle one job at a time, it can be a good thing to have a few at once.

Just make sure to be organized when you’re working on them. Categorize them by project type, employer, et cetera. This way, your work won’t be cluttered and confusing to you and your employer.

7. Present yourself in the best way possible.

In Fiversworld, people looking for jobs have a space where they can give a background on their working profiles. You can make yourself known to outsourcers this way by putting in your specialties, the number of hours you’re willing to devote each day for work, and so on. Take note that this is very important since employers base their decisions on the impression you make.

8. Make use of tags.

If you have been freelancing for quite some time now, you would know what Search Engine Optimization is. It’s basically putting keywords in your work as many times as you can so they would come up on top of search results in sites like Google.

You can be more noticeable if you put this in your description. Add words that you think would be typed in by people as they look for people who can work for them.

9. 110%, 24/7

When working on Fiversworld, there is the risk of burnout from handling so many jobs in one time. But since you can’t settle to give mediocre content to your buyers, then you should make sure that you’re performing at a hundred percent or more all the time.

How do you do this? It might sound impossible after hours and hours of working, but you can take breaks in between to freshen up. For example, after doing one task, take some time off and reward yourself with a snack or a few minutes playing a video game.

10. Compromise.

Working on Fiversworld is a give-and-take process that requires two sides, the buyer and the seller, and their requests to be made. You can’t just expect your employer to agree to all of your terms; and in the same manner you don’t have to accept jobs that you feel are too demanding. You both have to meet a compromise where both of you are satisfied.

11. Promote yourself!

Do you have a Facebook and Twitter account? Then let everyone know that you’re taking jobs! Chances are that people may be searching for service sellers in social media outlets. There even are Facebook pages and groups where you may search for local businesses.

Of course, it’s not just Facebook and/or Twitter. There are other avenues where you can promote yourself, like forums and the like.

12. Patience, young Padawan.

Life is not a race, and neither is Fiversworld. Note that you have to take it one step at a time. And don’t take yourself seriously! If you enjoy your job, everything else will follow. Just know that whatever you do will make you better.

The Art of Suggesting Jobs on FiversWorld

Are you aware that you can suggest jobs on Fivers World? Yes, even though you it is standard practice to just post your job on the site and wait for a buyer to ask about it, you are given chance actually suggest jobs to buyers. Just like in a restaurant where you can inform guests of the day’s special and suggest that they get it, you can do something like that on the say.

But, how do you turn the task of suggesting jobs into an art form, without appearing too desperate? Here a few of the effective means.

  • Use the “Suggest a job!” box

You can come up with a job that is listed under this box on the Fivers World site. It just takes a bit of work on your part to get in touch with the buyer and inform the buyer politely that you provide such a service or product. You can then ask that buyer to check out your job. You could get a loyal customer this way.

  • Make use of social media

Because social networking sites are very popular nowadays, it surely pays to take advantage of that knowledge. In fact, Fivers World actually lets you connect to Facebook, Twitter and Google +1. A quick click is all it takes to let members of these sites know that you have services or products to offer. Further, when you use the media options you also advertise what you are selling to more people.

  • Provide excellent products or services so that buyers will tip you

No, the tip here does not mean the little extra given to the waiters and waitresses in a restaurant. In Fivers World lingo, the tip refers to what buyers can give you if they are satisfied with your service or product. You can actually see this “tip” option when you check out another Fivers World member’s profile. How do you make this work for you? If buyers are pleased with your services, you can politely ask them to check out the jobs posted on your profit. If they like what they see, they can tip you.

  • Transform yourself into a Top Rated Seller

A Top Rated Seller becomes one after he has sold a lot of jobs and has benefited from excellent ratings given by the buyers of the services or products. Generally, buyers prefer top rated sellers over those who do not have the distinction. Why not? Top rated sellers are the ones who have the seal of approval from satisfied customers. This means that the distinction alone is advertisement enough for buyers to get the product or service that they need from you. Plus, when you are a top rated seller, you can enjoy the following benefits: free featured jobs, SEO help from Fivers World, free advertising, recommendation from Fivers World in case a job similar to yours gets cancelled, and the chance to fix one negative feedback with help from Fivers World support.

In conclusion, these are the effective ways you can artfully suggest jobs to buyers without the buyers feeling “sold”.

What to Sell on Fivers World

This unique marketplace allows sellers to sell almost anything on the site. This is good news to those who are interested in making money by accumulating profits from small jobs. If you are a new member of the site, you surely want to know what you can sell. Here are the different kinds of products and services available on Fivers World.

  • YouTube Services

Many buyers are actually looking for other people to come up with videos to post on YouTube. If you are skilled in creating videos, you can offer to make one for a buyer who has a need for it. Some YouTube members even look for persons who can provide a certain number of views and subscribers.

  • Twitter and Facebook Services

For Facebook users, you can provide professional Facebook pages, number of likes, and even Facebook fans. Twitter users also want backgrounds for their profiles and followers.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

Buyers may hire you to write articles for article submission sites, spin articles, create backlinks, and other stuff related to search engine optimization.

  • Programming and Graphic Design

There are also people who need somebody to create websites and troubleshoot problems in their websites. Buyers also want sellers who can create E-book covers, CD and DVD covers, website banners and logos.

  • Plugin, Software and Add-on Services

Fivers World is also a great place to sell plugins, software and add-on services.

  • E-book and Article Writing

You can also write e-books and articles for buyers who need them. In fact, these are very popular among the buyers on the site. An e-book can even earn you some passive income. When you upload the e-book to a shared server or to the Fivers World server, you can sell it to anyone without you ever needing to log in to your account.

  • Video Services

Promotional videos and testimonials are also hot items on Fivers World. The best way to get noticed as an expert in this service is by uploading a video you created on YouTube. You must then add a link to this video on your Fivers World profile. Anyone interested can click on the link and see what you can offer.

  • Blog and Website Sponsoring

If you keep a popular blog, you can earn money by offering to add links to your site for a fee. You can also offer to make other people sponsor your site.

  • Email lists

Email lists can also be sold on Fivers World.

  • Other unique services

How to Make the Best Out of FiversWorld

FiversWorld can be a great place for you if you are a seller. If you play your cards right, you can earn income from different jobs you post online. What this means is you need to be ahead of the competition if you want to be the top pick of the buyers who need certain products or services.

So, how do make the best out of Fivers World? Here are tips:

  • Post an accurate job title

When you have a job that you intend to sell, you have to make sure that it is free of errors. An error-free title will attract all the right buyers. Be sure that the title you decide on is meaningful for those who are searching. As such, remember to use the right keywords so that your job will appear on the search results.

  • Name your price

Although Fivers World allows you sell your products or services for prices in the range of $5-$25, you still have to put the right price tag. This is because buyers are also meticulous when it comes to hiring a service provider. In short, be sure that the price you attach to your product or service is worth it. Buyers surely won’t pay $20 for a video when another seller sells it for $5.

  • Post a relevant picture

Yes, you need to put a picture for the job you are selling. This image should reflect the job you are selling. Plus, the picture also plays a part in attracting buyers. It won’t do well to put just any picture as the buyers will simply head on over to the next job on the list.

  • File your job under the right category

This is easy enough to understand. When you file your job under the wrong category, you can be sure that the buyers won’t find it. Furthermore, when a buyer sees your video service under article writing, that buyer will surely have a negative impression about you as a seller.

  • Provide buyers a description of your job

What this means is you need to give buyers a lot of information about the service or product you offer. You cannot expect to make a sale when the buyers do not fully understand what you are offering. As such, remember to write detailed descriptions which will give potential buyers a good idea of what you can give. The more detailed you can get, the better.

  • Pay $7 to get your job featured on Fivers World

Paying the fee will let you enjoying the benefit of having your job appearing on the first main page for a full month. Having your job displayed on the main page is good for attracting buyers’ attention. Don’t think about your expense. Just think about how much more you can gain when your job gets picked by buyers.

There are other ways to make Fivers World work for you. But for beginners, these are the basic things that you need to know in order to gain the most advantage from the site.

Welcome to FiversWorld! is one of the most popular online marketplaces where buyers and sellers meet and match. This virtual marketplace specializes in small jobs that “buyers” commission “sellers” to provide for them or the other way around.

Who can join FiversWorld?

Anyone who knows how to use a computer and how to navigate the internet can become a member of the site. If you are a seller, you can create a job and sell it to anyone interested for any of the following prices: $5, $10, $15, $20, or $25. You can post jobs you want to sell through the site. Of course, this means that you must have the skill to come up with the particular service or product.

What does a person need to do to become a member?

It is very easy to sign up at the site. Membership is free, which means a person does not have to pay anything to become a members. As soon as the registration process is completed, the new member can begin listing the services to be “sold” online. Of course, this also means that the person who registers must already know what he intends to offer to buyers. Does the seller want to be a service provider or a tangible product provider? Additionally, does the seller want to sell digital products? These questions need answers because there will be shipping required when a person sells physical things.

What are the services and products that can be sold online through FiversWorld?

The list is endless! Sellers can offer YouTube, Twitter and Facebook services as well as search engine optimization services. Graphic design, programming, and video services are also popular services and products to sell. E-books, articles, and blog posts are also very common items bought by buyers. Sellers can also offer tangible things that can be shipped to a certain physical address. In short, in Fivers World, anything goes.