Welcome to FiversWorld!

FiversWorld.com is one of the most popular online marketplaces where buyers and sellers meet and match. This virtual marketplace specializes in small jobs that “buyers” commission “sellers” to provide for them or the other way around.

Who can join FiversWorld?

Anyone who knows how to use a computer and how to navigate the internet can become a member of the site. If you are a seller, you can create a job and sell it to anyone interested for any of the following prices: $5, $10, $15, $20, or $25. You can post jobs you want to sell through the site. Of course, this means that you must have the skill to come up with the particular service or product.

What does a person need to do to become a member?

It is very easy to sign up at the site. Membership is free, which means a person does not have to pay anything to become a members. As soon as the registration process is completed, the new member can begin listing the services to be “sold” online. Of course, this also means that the person who registers must already know what he intends to offer to buyers. Does the seller want to be a service provider or a tangible product provider? Additionally, does the seller want to sell digital products? These questions need answers because there will be shipping required when a person sells physical things.

What are the services and products that can be sold online through FiversWorld?

The list is endless! Sellers can offer YouTube, Twitter and Facebook services as well as search engine optimization services. Graphic design, programming, and video services are also popular services and products to sell. E-books, articles, and blog posts are also very common items bought by buyers. Sellers can also offer tangible things that can be shipped to a certain physical address. In short, in Fivers World, anything goes.