What to Sell on Fivers World

This unique marketplace allows sellers to sell almost anything on the site. This is good news to those who are interested in making money by accumulating profits from small jobs. If you are a new member of the site, you surely want to know what you can sell. Here are the different kinds of products and services available on Fivers World.

  • YouTube Services

Many buyers are actually looking for other people to come up with videos to post on YouTube. If you are skilled in creating videos, you can offer to make one for a buyer who has a need for it. Some YouTube members even look for persons who can provide a certain number of views and subscribers.

  • Twitter and Facebook Services

For Facebook users, you can provide professional Facebook pages, number of likes, and even Facebook fans. Twitter users also want backgrounds for their profiles and followers.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

Buyers may hire you to write articles for article submission sites, spin articles, create backlinks, and other stuff related to search engine optimization.

  • Programming and Graphic Design

There are also people who need somebody to create websites and troubleshoot problems in their websites. Buyers also want sellers who can create E-book covers, CD and DVD covers, website banners and logos.

  • Plugin, Software and Add-on Services

Fivers World is also a great place to sell plugins, software and add-on services.

  • E-book and Article Writing

You can also write e-books and articles for buyers who need them. In fact, these are very popular among the buyers on the site. An e-book can even earn you some passive income. When you upload the e-book to a shared server or to the Fivers World server, you can sell it to anyone without you ever needing to log in to your account.

  • Video Services

Promotional videos and testimonials are also hot items on Fivers World. The best way to get noticed as an expert in this service is by uploading a video you created on YouTube. You must then add a link to this video on your Fivers World profile. Anyone interested can click on the link and see what you can offer.

  • Blog and Website Sponsoring

If you keep a popular blog, you can earn money by offering to add links to your site for a fee. You can also offer to make other people sponsor your site.

  • Email lists

Email lists can also be sold on Fivers World.

  • Other unique services

3 thoughts on “What to Sell on Fivers World

  1. Pingback: The Art of Suggesting Jobs on FiversWorld | fiversworlds

  2. Pingback: How to Make the Best Out of FiversWorld | fiversworlds

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