The Four Annoying Relatives You’ll Encounter at Christmas Dinner Brought to You by Fiversworld


It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Or is it? Plenty of you may beg to differ. Not only are the credit card bills looming on the horizon, but so are the annoying relatives that we need to put up with come Christmas dinner. We all have them, and I bet you’re already thinking of one right now. Whatever the family, you’re most likely to encounter one of these.

1. The spoiled little kid

Whether it’s your nephew/niece, your younger sibling, or little cousin, they don’t make the spoiled brat like they used to. These days, the most spoiled of your little relatives will still shriek about their presents, but instead of not getting the latest race car or Barbie, they’ll be complaining about not getting the new Xbox Kinect or iPod touch. You can’t help but marvel at how much electronics mean to them already at their age, compelling you to go back to your old room and look ashamedly at your GameBoy Color that you still keep in a special plastic container.

2. The Stuck Up Aunt

For some reason, there’s always that relative that has done much better than your family ever has, and not only do you hate it, but your parents almost can’t stand it. You don’t mind the middle class life that you were raised with, and your parents raised you to never complain. But come Christmas time, as the family gets together, you can actually compare how much more stuck up your Aunt has become since you last seen her. You used to love her gifts – but that was before you had to make conversation with her. These days you can’t help but get frustrated at how she embarrasses your parents while giving you a discount card to some overly expensive department store, along with the assertion that you should be able to afford things from there by now.


3. The Grumpy Grandpa

It seems as if Christmas isn’t complete sometimes with that relative that just won’t be happy. More often than not, it’s the oldest of the bunch. Yep, it’s Grumpy Grandpa, all ready with his cynical remarks and biting insults. “What are you doing with your life? When are you going to stop fooling around? What woman would want a man with that kind of hair?” You’ve heard it all before. He turns your younger sister to tears every year then complains that she’s too soft. You know that walking five miles to school each day in the rain and sleet was hard on him, but sometimes too much is too much. Unfortunately, every time you tell your dad this, he just quietly tells you that Grandpa only has a few more years, and besides, it’s Christmas.

4. The Train Wrecked Cousin

If there are those relatives that have done better than you, there are those that have done worse. You would think these would make you feel better of yourself, but the just end up making you feel sad. Whether he/she’s recovering from one divorce too many by the age of 30, or “getting over” a drinking/gambling problem, it’s always a circus with the train wreck around. Even with the excitement this cousin usually brings, with each Christmas, the scene just keeps getting old as you end up the person they pour out their sorrows (and most likely their stomach contents) as the night comes to a close.

Annoying relatives or not, it’s still the Holidays, and it’s best we enjoy them. Happy Holidays!

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